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The Youngest of 15: How I Became the Only One to Reconnect with Our African Roots


Growing up in Guyana, South America, I often heard stories about our African ancestry. My family, large and proud, would always mention how our roots trace back to Ghana. It was a dream of mine to visit Africa, and now, as an adult living in America, I finally had the opportunity to make that dream come true, thanks to AfricaTravellers.com.

For years, I envisioned stepping foot on African soil, imagining what it would feel like to connect with my roots. Being the youngest of 15 siblings, I’m the only one who has ventured this far. I couldn’t wait to share my experience with my family, especially after hearing stories of our ancestors’ journey across the Atlantic during the era of slavery. I knew this trip would be special, but I didn’t realize just how transformative it would be.

The Journey to Ghana

When I first discovered AfricaTravellers.com, I was immediately drawn to their organized group tours and payment plans. The idea of finally visiting Ghana, a country my ancestors were said to have come from, felt surreal. Their flexible payment plan made it easy for me to spread out the cost of the trip, allowing me to pay in small, manageable amounts each month. Before I knew it, my payments were complete, and I was ready for the adventure of a lifetime.



Walking Through History: The Slave Dungeons of Ghana

One of the most emotional parts of the trip was visiting the historic slave dungeons along the coast of Ghana. Standing in the very rooms where my ancestors were once held was overwhelming. It wasn’t just a visit—it was a profound reconnection with my past. I could feel the weight of history in every corner of the dungeon, and it helped me understand the struggles my ancestors endured before being forcibly taken to South America.

This experience was the most powerful part of my journey. I realized how connected I am to this land, not just by history but by blood. Now, I can tell my children and grandchildren about the incredible history of our people, about where we came from, and how we survived against all odds.

Connecting with My Roots

What struck me the most was how similar Ghana’s climate felt to my home in Guyana. The heat, the landscapes, and even the friendly people reminded me of home. As I stood in Ghana, I couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible resilience of my ancestors. From Africa to Guyana, we carried our traditions, culture, and strength through centuries.

Before this trip, I often wondered where all the people in my community came from. Now, I have the answer. I can confidently share my experience with my family back in Guyana and tell them about the journey our ancestors made and the land they came from.

Why I Recommend AfricaTravellers.com

One of the best decisions I made was choosing AfricaTravellers.com for my African adventure. Their payment plan was a game-changer. Instead of paying a lump sum all at once, I could pay in small amounts over time. This made the trip affordable and stress-free. By the time I was ready to travel, all the payments were complete, and I could fully enjoy the experience without financial worries.

The team at AfricaTravellers, especially Danielle, Isaac, and Ben, made the trip unforgettable. Their knowledge and passion for sharing Africa’s rich history made every stop on the tour engaging and educational. The tour guides were fantastic—they went above and beyond to ensure we had an authentic and immersive experience. I learned so much about African culture, traditions, and the deep history that connects the African diaspora.

A Message to Fellow Travelers

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Africa and connect with your roots, I can’t recommend AfricaTravellers.com enough. Whether you’re from the Caribbean, South America, or any other part of the world, this trip will give you a deeper understanding of your heritage. It’s a unique opportunity to walk through history, learn where you come from, and gain wisdom you can pass down to future generations.

For me, visiting Ghana wasn’t just a vacation; it was a journey of self-discovery. I now know where I come from and the strength of the people who came before me. If you’re thinking about exploring Africa, take the leap. AfricaTravellers will guide you every step of the way, and you’ll leave with memories—and a deeper connection to your roots—that will last a lifetime.


Visiting Africa was a life-changing journey that allowed me to reconnect with my heritage and gain a profound understanding of my history. From the moving experiences at the slave dungeons to the welcoming warmth of the people, this trip left a lasting impact on me. Thanks to AfricaTravellers.com and their flexible payment plan, this dream became a reality. Now, I can proudly share my story with my family and encourage others to take this incredible journey of self-discovery.


What’s next for you?
To watch the full video of  Benita’s experience in Ghana, click here. If you’re inspired and want to experience Africa for yourself, check out our next upcoming trips here.

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